Monday, March 28, 2022

Poly Bridge: Bingeable Let’s Plays


During the pandemic, I spent a lot of time watching one of my favorite Captain Sauce Let’s Play series — Poly Bridge.

Poly Bridge is a bridge building simulator with levels that are often more difficult than they first appear. There are two Poly Bridge games.

I purchased the first Poly Bridge game, but I didn’t get very far before the game became punishingly difficult.

Captain Sauce, however, was well suited to the challenge posed by the games. His signature sense of humor and witty commentary make his videos on the game all the more enjoyable.

He introduced Poly Bridge in his first Let's Play of the game in Aug. 2015. 



Captain Sauce’s playthrough of the first game spanned 23 videos over the course of a year, ending in July 2016.


Captain Sauce’s playthrough of Poly Bridge 2 began in May 2020. One year later, after 11 videos, he finished his playthrough of the game in May 2021.

The second to last video in the series showcased some of the most difficult levels in the game. 




If you enjoyed those two videos, Captain Sauce has 32 more where they came from. I certainly enjoyed watching them myself.


Faster than a Speeding Robot


I recently recorded deathless speedruns for four levels in Robot Wants it All.

I completed the Remix Map of Robot Wants Kitty in under nine minutes without dying. 





I finished Robot Wants Cat in less than four minutes without dying. 




I completed the Easy Map of Robot Wants Kitty in under 90 seconds without dying.





I finished the Classic Map of Robot Wants Y in less than 10 minutes and 30 seconds without dying.