Saturday, October 5, 2024

LGBT By The Numbers — Season 3


Charts, Data, Analysis!

LGBT By The Numbers, a series that explores LGBT statistics in the US, and around the world, has returned.


So far, I have published two seasons of LGBT By The Numbers.

I published Season 1 from Sept. 2023- Feb. 2024, and Season 2 from March-May 2024.

Including their introductions and tables of contents, Season 1 has 15 articles, and Season 2 has 9 articles.



Season 3 will examine the Gender Census, a global annual online survey of nonbinary people.

Nonbinary describes someone who has a gender that isn’t exclusively male or female.

The first article will cover the results of the 2024 Gender Census.

Subsequent articles will use data from previous years to create line graphs that illustrate the relative prevalence of identity terms over time.

These graphs will accompany discussions about those terms and the insights the past 10 years of survey results have to offer. 



A 2022 Pew Research Study determined 1.0% of US adults identify as nonbinary.

That’s more than the share of US adults who are binary transgender (0.6%, Pew ’22), and close to the share of US adults who identify as lesbian (1.2%, Gallup ’23) or gay (1.4%, Gallup ’23).

Nonbinary people haven’t received as much attention as these groups, in part because it isn’t as easy for conservatives to fear monger about them in ways that drive the news cycle.



Simultaneously, there are a near infinite number of nonbinary genders that appear online, often with no accompanying explanation of whether these identities are fairly common or incredibly rare.

The Gender Census is a reliable and robust tool that allows allies and advocates to determine which terms are the most common, and thus most important to educate the public about.



I wrote two articles in December 2023 about the results of last year’s Gender Census.

If you haven’t already, I strongly recommend reading those articles, “How Nonbinary People Describe Themselves” and “Nonbinary Nomenclature, Continued.”

I intend for this series to be accessible even if you haven’t read those past articles, but they are the best introduction to the terms and ideas I plan to discuss.





I should also add that I’m working on this series during the final month of the 2024 US Presidential Election, so the entries in this series will be released amidst my coverage of politics and election results. 



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