Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Kansas 69th House District: Republican Stronghold


In the 69th Kansas State House District, longtime KSAL Radio Host Clarke Sanders (R) is running against Salina Central High School Choir Teacher Ryan Holmquist (D).
The 69th Kansas House District is currently represented by J.R. Claeys (R), who defeated incumbent moderate Republican Randall Hardy in the primary for the 24th Kansas State Senate District.
Claey's state senate run opened up his current seat, which Clarke Sanders and Ryan Holmquist are vying for.
The 69th Kansas House district leans heavily republican. A Republican has won every election in the 69th district going back to at least 2004. 
A Republican won each of the 8 most-recent elections for the district, which are held every two years. 
In 2010, Tom Arpke (R) beat Gerrett Morris (D), in the 69th District by a margin of 28%. 
In 2012, JR Claeys (R) beat Gary Swartzendruber (D), by a margin of 8%. 
In 2014, Swartzendruber (D) ran against Claeys (R) in the 69th District again. That time, Claeys beat Swartendruber by 22%.
In 2016, Gerrett Morris (D) tried again to run for the 69th district. That election was close. Claeys (R) beat Morris (D) by 4% that year.
In 2018, Morris (D) ran against Claeys (R) for a second time. That time, Claeys won by a larger margin, 11%.
Over the past six elections, the Republican candidate has won the general election in the 69th district by an average of 14.3%. 
The district is located in Saline County, which votes 7.7% more Republican than Kansas as a whole.
The district's voting history makes Clarke Sanders significantly more likely to win the race than Ryan Holmquist.

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